Working in an assisted living facility can be a rewarding experience for both the staff and the facility’s residents.
It’s also often an underappreciated job in terms of salary, which makes it all the more important to make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting into before deciding on this career choice.
Below are eight of the most critical roles and responsibilities that you should know if you’re considering working at an assisted living facility.
1. Building Community
Create a friendly, inviting atmosphere that makes your residents feel at home. It’s essential to keep them entertained with many social events, like sing-alongs, card games, or bingo.
Think about what kinds of activities you enjoyed as a resident, or ask your current clients what they liked most about their experience in your facility. Finding ways to replicate those positive interactions will go a long way toward keeping your residents happy and engaged.
Many individuals are unsure about compare assisted living vs. nursing homes. The primary distinction between nursing home care and assisted living is that nursing homes provide medical and personal care in a clinical environment, whereas assisted living generally provides personal care in a home-like, social setting.
2. Providing Activities & Services
When residents move into assisted living, they often don’t know anyone in their new community. That can lead to a lot of time spent alone in front of televisions or staring out windows.
An important role for staff is to ensure residents are engaged socially. If your loved one is confused or has dementia, for example, you may want to find a facility that offers short-term memory care services.
These allow patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory-related disorders to stay safely in assisted living while receiving help with medication reminders, bathing, dressing, and meals.
A nurse can be on-site during all working hours; they will watch over your loved one while ensuring they get all necessary treatments such as flu shots and hearing aids checked.
3. Welcoming Residents
To provide a safe, welcoming environment for your residents, you need to be in good communication with them.
You should make it clear that you’re ready to help at any time—from organizing activities for residents who are eager to socialize with others their age, to simply helping someone take a walk outside if they don’t feel like going alone.
These little gestures go a long way in making your residents feel at home. They also let you get better acquainted with each resident to better understand how best to help them.
4. Helping Them Thrive
The first thing to consider when creating a safe, productive environment for your residents is that you are there to help them thrive. It can be tempting to focus on creating a profitable business.
Still, it’s crucial to remember that assisted living facilities exist so that seniors can enjoy their golden years in comfort.
A big part of creating such a space is ensuring that everyone you interact with—from patients to doctors—is working toward that goal. Communication is key for helping people live comfortably; things will quickly go wrong without it.
5. Meeting Their Health Needs
Your senior living community can support your loved one’s health through their physical therapy, in-house nurse, and more. It improves their quality of life, but it can also reduce their need for medical visits that are inconvenient for you both.
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A large portion of your senior’s socialization should come from interacting with residents, so make sure that your loved one’s needs are being met both medically and socially to ease the family strain.
These services will be unique depending on each person, so get familiar with what they offer when considering a new home or senior living facility.
5. Supporting Their Well-Being
One of a good assisted living facility’s most important tasks is to support its residents in maintaining their health, wellness, and independence for as long as possible.
This means assisting with activities like bathing, using the bathroom, eating meals, taking medications, and maintaining their home environment — you name it.
And that’s not just because it’s something residents want. It’s also required by law: all assisted living facilities are required to assist with six activities of daily living. So, if you want to work in one as a caregiver or a manager, or another member of staff, you must be aware of these requirements!
7. Giving Them a Safe Environment
When thinking about assisted living, it is all about helping your parents live independently. To that end, you need to be sure that they are in a facility that will provide them with a safe environment to live their lives as comfortably as possible.
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A big part of doing so is by having access to every medical care service needed and keeping it available in-house. If your parents require any medications or other special treatment plans, you need a facility with a staff capable of handling these things without leaving your parent’s side. And those who staff your assisted living home must be trained and willing to give you answers when you have questions on how they are providing for your parents’ needs in their care plan.
8. Being Respected by Residents and Families
When running a home for elderly people, it can be tough to keep family members from micro-managing. At first, it may seem like they’re just making sure their loved one is getting all they need.
However, in time, you’ll see that they are more interested in having someone else make all their decisions – even if those decisions aren’t always what’s best for them.
It’s your job to stand firm that your loved one deserves respect, regardless of their condition or history. Know what areas family members should and shouldn’t be involved in; explain why you can better care for their loved one than anyone else, and follow through with what you say!
So, how does one create a great website for their assisted living facility? Two things are more important than anything else: providing value for your visitors and making sure that you follow all local laws.
With those two things in mind, it’s relatively easy to design a stunning, informative site. Just make sure that your site includes all of these roles, responsibilities, and duties to prepare for whatever comes your way.