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7 Winter Skin Care Tips for Healthy and Glowing Skin

winter skin care tips

Winter has come, and it’s time to taste hot drinks and beverages. Besides enjoying winter, you must be careful about your and your family’s health. Winter can cause problems like flu, cold, etc. Most of the diseases caused by winter are related to skin.

Winter causes cold air to flow. The cold air is usually dry, which causes dehydration on the skin. If you face dryness and cracks in your skin, you must read the whole article to create a healthy skin routine in winter and maintain glowing skin.

If you don’t get the treatment early, your skin will start having small cracks and even bleeding.

In this article, we shared skin experts’ advice on caring for your skin in winter. Besides hydrating and caring for your skin, winter skin care tips will help you maintain glowing skin throughout the winter.

7 Winter Skin Care Tips:

Skin is the largest part of our body and needs more attention and care. Skin conditions must be treated early and properly because skin impacts your look. Great skin will maintain a good personality and increase confidence.

In winter, caring for your skin becomes hard and expensive if you don’t know what to do. That’s why we have concluded seven effective tips for skin health and beauty that are pocket-friendly and easy to follow. Make sure to use these winter skin care tips in your daily routine for better results.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Although it’s winter and you won’t get thirsty so much, it doesn’t mean you don’t need enough water. Most people get dehydrated in winter because of drinking less water.

Make sure that you drink more than enough water to keep your body and skin hydrated to avoid dryness and cracks.

An average water intake depends on age, gender, and physical activity. However, doctors recommend drinking around 3 to 3.5 liters of water daily. Women need less water than men, so they should drink around 2 to 2.5 liters daily. Drink plenty of water even if you do not want to drink.

Diagnose and Treat A Disease:

Are you facing any skin disease except dry skin? If yes, you first need the treatment for your disease and then start a healthy winter skincare routine.

Some common diseases include Acne, Eczema, Chapped Lips, Raynaud’s Disease, Chilblains, Psoriasis, Rosacea, and Cold Urticaria, which mostly attack in winter. You can treat cold naturally, but sometimes, you may require proper medication.

You can use Enstilar for Psoriasis and other products for treatment. Make sure to consult with your dermatologist first.

It is recommended to diagnose and get the proper treatment for healthy skin.

Avoid Heat and hot showers:

High temperatures can worsen the situation if you are dealing with a skin disease or dryness. Doctors suggest a cold bath over a hot bath because there are a few reasons to avoid getting a hot shower.

First, if you are dealing with itching, hair loss, or other scalp issues, the hot water will worsen these conditions. Also, hot water removes body oil, which the body produces naturally. These oils are essential for our skin and hair, but hot water can damage them. Avoid hot showers and high temperatures because they can dry your skin more.

Use Creams and Ointments:

Use creams, lotions, and sprays specialized for skin care in winter. You can also use petroleum jelly and Vaseline, which is effective for dry skin.

You should consult a good dermatologist if there is another issue besides dry skin. He will recommend products according to your skin condition.

Moisturize Frequently:

Body areas frequently exposed to cold air, high temperatures, and water should be moisturized with a good moisturizer. If you wash your hands, apply moisturizers to your hands to avoid cracks and dry skin.

If you take a bath, apply moisturizer to your body. You can use a good moisturizer or a lotion all over your body.

Always Carry a ChapStick with you:

You should always carry chapstick (lip balm) with you. When you feel your lips are getting dehydrated, pick up the chapstick and apply it to your lips. Besides using it on your lips, you can also use it on your cheeks. It is completely safe to use.

Applying chapstick on cheeks and lips will create a layer of moisturizer that will keep your skin safe from UV and dry air.

Take care of Your Diet:

Taking care of diet means caring for the skin and the whole body. Our health depends on our diet, so you must be careful about what you eat.

Ensure that you eat food, fruits, and vegetables containing vitamin D and other ingredients that are good for the skin’s health.

Avoiding foods that have high amounts of sulfate will help in stopping dehydration. Avoid processed and fast foods.

Use UV creams (Bonus Tip):

It’s hard to find the sun in winter when you look up at the sky, but sometimes, it burns like summer and can harm your skin if directly exposed.

Ultraviolet rays can still damage your skin in winter, especially during sunbathing on a beach or roof.

Applying sunscreen will save you from UV rays. Some UV creams are oily, which could benefit your dry skin in winter. You won’t need any lotion if you have such a cream.


Treatment for skin problems is as important as for other problems, especially in winter. If you follow the upper winter skin care tips suggested by dermatologists and avoid harsh products and creams, you will surely survive in winter with good and glowing skin.

Ensure you eat Vitamin D-enriched foods and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. It is the best and most natural method to stay safe in winter.

If you are facing serious problems with your skin or the upper tips are not working for you, visit a good dermatologist for more personalized treatment.

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